On June 5th 2023, the EuroHealthNet and Helsedirekoratet (Norwegian Directorate of Health) are hosting the EuroHealthNet Annual Seminar under the theme „Making progress on health equity“. They focus on setting targets and developing policies to prevent chronic diseases and mitigate climate change. Deadline for registration is the May 19th.
After a welcome from Bjørn Guldvog (Director General of Norwegian Directorate of Health) and Prof. Dr. Martin Dietrich (President of EuroHealthNet), two sessions with renowned speakers will take place. Our senior research associate Remco van de Pas is part of Session 2 „Target setting and policy making in the field of Climate Change and Health“ from 15.45 to 16.45 pm and speaks about „Reorienting policies and targets for healthier people and planet“ . Furthermore van de Pas will discuss ways how health policymakers and the health community can make a greater contribution to drive the climate agenda and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal with Prof. Tanja Winther (Center of Development and the Environment at University of Oslo and Head of Include) and Dr. Marco Martuzzi (Director of the Environment & Health Department at ISS). The session is moderated by Dr. Sumina Azam (Vize-President of EuroHealthNet).
Click here to register until May 19th and to get further information about the agenda.