
We welcome your comments, likes and shares on our official social media channels and always want a direct and fair dialogue. In topics and discussions, we value constructive and objective behavior, and the tone should always be polite and respectful. As a general rule, please behave online in the same way as you would wish other people to behave.

Please adhere to the following behaviors on our social media channels:

  • Constructive criticism on our channels is accepted – but we do not tolerate insults, threats, name-calling or comments that damage our reputation or business.
  • We prohibit incitements to violence against persons, institutions or companies and remove all threats of any form from our channel.
  • Discrimination and defamation of other persons and social groups on the basis of their religion, origin, nationality, disability, income, sexual orientation, age or gender are expressly prohibited. Racist, extremist and sexist remarks will not be tolerated.
  • We delete advertising, spam and commercial content from third parties without comment.
  • Comments on a post, tweet, etc. should always relate to the content of the post. Misuse of the comment function with off-topic posts, advertising or commercial content from third parties is not desired and will be deleted without comment.
  • Data protection is very important to us. Personal and private data, such as names, addresses or similar, are not published on our social media site at any time.
  • When publishing images and texts, we comply with copyright, personal rights and the right to one’s own image. We expect the same from our users.

If comments and posts violate our netiquette, we will delete them without comment. In the case of repeated or serious violations, we will investigate the comments and permanently exclude the author(s), report them to the respective platform if necessary and file charges.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (via the message function or e-mail to