Am: 19. Februar 2024

Ort: Brussels, Belgium

Rese­arch Per­spec­ti­ves on the Health Impacts of Cli­ma­te Chan­ge

On Febru­ary 19–20, the high-level con­fe­rence “Rese­arch Per­spec­ti­ves on the Health Impacts of Cli­ma­te Chan­ge” brought tog­e­ther cli­ma­te chan­ge and health rese­ar­chers, fun­ders and poli­cy­ma­kers to reflect on the cur­rent chal­lenges, prio­ri­ties and needs for rese­arch and rese­ar­chers in this area. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the con­fe­rence sup­port­ed the launch of a stra­te­gic rese­arch and inno­va­ti­on agen­da (SRIA) iden­ti­fy­ing the prio­ri­ty topics for the years to come on cli­ma­te chan­ge and health rese­arch.

The con­fe­rence had fea­ture ses­si­ons cate­go­ri­sed under seve­ral the­mes:

  • The­me 1: Short and long-term impacts of cli­ma­te chan­ge
  • The­me 2: Cli­ma­te chan­ge in the con­text of other envi­ron­men­tal stres­sors
  • The­me 3: Cli­ma­te chan­ge and the health sec­tor
  • The­me 4: A glo­bal rese­arch agen­da on cli­ma­te chan­ge and health

Ulti­m­ate­ly, this event had aim at enhan­cing and making visi­ble the role of health as a dri­ver of glo­bal cli­ma­te action, which until now has not play­ed a signi­fi­cant part in the dis­cus­sions.

Our rese­arch asso­cia­te Doro­thea Baltruks was a panelist of The­me 3 (par­al­lel ses­si­on 7) and dis­cus­sed the topic of Miti­ga­ti­on from the health­ca­re sec­tor with Kirs­ty Reid, Euro­pean Fede­ra­ti­on of Phar­maceu­ti­cal Indus­tries and Asso­cia­ti­ons (EFPIA), Colin O’He­hir, Irish Depart­ment of Health and Edda Wei­mann, Munich Muni­ci­pal Hos­pi­tal Group.

The ses­si­on was recor­ded and can be wat­ched now. You can find Doro­thea Baltruks input “Enab­ling more sus­tainable health sys­tems” from 11:52:10. Watch here

Click here for more infor­ma­ti­on.