Am: 5. Juni 2023

Ort: Oslo | Online

Euro­He­alth­Net Annu­al Semi­nar 2023

On 5 June 2023, the Euro­He­alth­Net and Hel­se­di­re­ko­ra­tet (Nor­we­gi­an Direc­to­ra­te of Health) are hos­ting the Euro­He­alth­Net Annu­al Semi­nar under the the­me “Making pro­gress on health equi­ty”. They focus on set­ting tar­gets and deve­lo­ping poli­ci­es to pre­vent chro­nic dise­a­ses and miti­ga­te cli­ma­te chan­ge. Dead­line for regis­tra­ti­on is the May 19th.

After a wel­co­me from Bjørn Guld­vog (Direc­tor Gene­ral of Nor­we­gi­an Direc­to­ra­te of Health) and Prof. Dr. Mar­tin Diet­rich (Pre­si­dent of Euro­He­alth­Net), two ses­si­ons with renow­ned spea­k­ers will take place. Our seni­or rese­arch asso­cia­te Rem­co van de Pas is part of Ses­si­on 2 Tar­get set­ting and poli­cy making in the field of Cli­ma­te Chan­ge and Health” from 15.45 to 16.45 CEST and speaks about “Reori­en­ting poli­ci­es and tar­gets for healt­hi­er peo­p­le and pla­net” . Fur­ther­mo­re van de Pas will dis­cuss ways how health poli­cy­ma­kers and the health com­mu­ni­ty can make a grea­ter con­tri­bu­ti­on to dri­ve the cli­ma­te agen­da and achie­ving the goals of the Paris Agree­ment and the Euro­pean Green Deal with Prof. Tan­ja Win­ther (Cen­ter of Deve­lo­p­ment and the Envi­ron­ment at Uni­ver­si­ty of Oslo and Head of Include) and Dr. Mar­co Mar­tuz­zi (Direc­tor of the Envi­ron­ment & Health Depart­ment at ISS). The ses­si­on is mode­ra­ted by Dr. Sumi­na Azam (Vize-Pre­si­dent of Euro­He­alth­Net).

Click here to regis­ter until May 19th and to get fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about the agen­da.