CPHP joins Euro­He­alth­Net

Ber­lin, June 2023 The Cent­re for Pla­ne­ta­ry Health Poli­cy (CPHP) has joi­n­ed Euro­He­alth­Net, a not-for-pro­fit part­ner­ship com­mit­ted to pro­mo­ting health equi­ty and sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment across Euro­pe.

“Our aim is to advan­ce health equi­ty within pla­ne­ta­ry boun­da­ries to con­tri­bu­te to EuroHealthNet’s poli­cy, prac­ti­ce and rese­arch work on inter­re­la­ted social, eco­lo­gi­cal and eco­no­mic cri­ses in Euro­pe and bey­ond. We are deligh­ted to inten­si­fy our working tog­e­ther with the Part­ner­ship, and look for­ward to con­tri­bu­ting to tack­le health ine­qua­li­ties within Euro­pe through ana­ly­sis and action on the social and poli­ti­cal deter­mi­nants of health.”Mai­ke Voss, mana­ging direc­tor CPHP

Euro­He­alth­Net is a net­work that brings tog­e­ther orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, insti­tu­tes, and aut­ho­ri­ties working on public health, dise­a­se pre­ven­ti­on, pro­mo­ting health and well­be­ing, and redu­cing ine­qua­li­ties. The Part­ner­ship is made up of Mem­bers, Asso­cia­te Mem­bers and Obser­vers. Tog­e­ther, the part­ners advo­ca­te at the Euro­pean and Natio­nal level for poli­ci­es that tar­get the deter­mi­nants of health, fos­ter col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and cross-sec­to­ral enga­ge­ment and work to impro­ve the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of health sys­tems.

While mem­bers are accoun­ta­ble public bodies with respon­si­bi­li­ties and/or exper­ti­se in public health, health pro­mo­ti­on, health ine­qua­li­ties, dise­a­se pre­ven­ti­on, or other rele­vant fields, asso­cia­te mem­bers are uni­ver­si­ties, civil socie­ty orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, and the others. CPHP – as part of the Ger­man Alli­ance for Cli­ma­te Chan­ge and Health (KLUG) – has beco­me a Rese­arch Asso­cia­te Mem­ber and joi­n­ed EuroHealthNet’s Rese­arch & Poli­cy plat­forms as are­as to enga­ge in.

The Euro­He­alth­Net part­ner­ship works on health sys­tems and socie­ties that move away from nar­row, cura­ti­ve con­cep­ti­ons of health and place a grea­ter empha­sis on health pro­mo­ti­on, health equi­ty, and achie­ving an ‘Eco­no­my of Well­be­ing’. Such an eco­no­mic model bene­fits peo­p­le and the pla­net, and that ensu­res human digni­ty and fair­ness. Euro­he­alth­Net and its part­ners col­la­bo­ra­te and learn through joint rese­arch, poli­cy enga­ge­ment and com­mu­ni­ties of prac­ti­ce in advan­cing well­be­ing poli­ci­es.

“A clear visi­on for a well­be­ing eco­no­my within pla­ne­ta­ry boun­da­ries, that con­siders inter­na­tio­nal soli­da­ri­ty and social jus­ti­ce will have to gui­de the deve­lo­p­ment of future health sys­tems. It will requi­re a fun­da­men­tal poli­ti­cal-eco­no­mic trans­for­ma­ti­on to remo­ve struc­tu­ral and insti­tu­tio­nal eco­no­mic growth depen­den­ci­es. Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the Euro­He­alth­Net Part­ner­ship will faci­li­ta­te poli­cy pathways to make health equi­ty a rea­li­ty.”Dr. Rem­co van de Pas, seni­or rese­arch asso­cia­te, CPHP

Check out our recent work tog­e­ther: