The future of the German health system
In the working stream “The Future of the German Health System” we are concerned with both the adaptation of the German health system to the effects of climate and environmental changes and with the transformation to a climate-neutral, ecologically sustainable, high-quality, accessible and affordable healthcare system for current and future generations.
Our focus lies primarily on the legal and structural frameworks that must be created to enable this transformation and to integrate socio-ecological criteria into all aspects of the healthcare infrastructure and to exploit the synergies of planetary health, prevention and public health.

Due to its complexity in terms of its regulatory framework, the many different actors involved, and its diverse impact on society, the health sector is a relevant and prioritised sector for transformation efforts. In order to achieve health and prosperity against the backdrop of future climate and environmental challenges, it is necessary to transform the health care sector towards sustainabilty much more rapidly, while at the same time generating added value and serving as a role model for other sectors.
In collaboration with health stakeholders, scientists and policymakers, we want to answer, among others, the following questions:
- Which reforms in the health sector are required to enable socially just health to the highest medical standards within planetary boundaries?
- What can we learn for planetary health from previous efforts to establish structural prevention as a main pillar in health and social policy?
- How can equal health opportunities and ecological sustainability be considered together in the governance of the health system?
- Which legal and structural frameworks have to be established to prepare Germany adequately for the impacts of the ecological crises and their health impacts?
Read more in our analyses

Legal framework for planetary health in Germany
The aim of the cooperation between the Insitute for Medical Law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, the German Alliance for Climate Change and Health (KLUG) and CPHP, is to identify important drivers, barriers and potentials for planetary health in medical and health law, and to aggregate recommendations for decision-makers. We also disseminate and further develop them through discussions, events and publications in the sector and with policy-makers.
» More about the project (in german)

Climate crisis and self-help
In this project, CPHP provided scientific guidance to the Federal Association for Self-Help of People with Disabilities, Chronic Illnesses, and their Families (BAG Selbsthilfe) and co-produced with its members exchange formats and materials for self-help groups and associations focussed on adapting to the increasing heatwaves and on opportunities for more sustainable practices. The project was funded by the AOK Bundesverband.
» More about the project (in german)