Jan Oppen­berg


  • At CPHP from Janu­ary 2023 until April 2023
  • Curr­ent­ly stu­dy­ing MSc Public Health at Bie­le­feld School of Public Health
  • BA in Phy­sio­the­ra­py from Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Bochum

Jan Oppen­berg work­ed as an intern at the Cent­re for Pla­ne­ta­ry Health Poli­cy (CPHP) pri­ma­ri­ly on health care within pla­ne­ta­ry boun­da­ries. In addi­ti­on to his work at CPHP, he is pur­suing a master’s degree in Public Health at the Bie­le­feld School of Public Health whe­re he also works as a rese­arch assistant. Pre­vious­ly, he com­ple­ted a bachelor’s degree in Phy­sio­the­ra­py at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Bochum.

