Governance for health within planetary boundaries
Planetary health policies systematically consider their impact on both human health and natural ecosystems equally. Furthermore, the concept promotes political decision-making that aims to minimise harm to people and planet. A planetary health in all policies (PHiaP) approach extends the concept of health in all policies, an approach to public policies that systematically takes into account the health implications of political decisions and seeks to avoid harmful health impacts in order to improve population health and health equity. PHiaP adds the notion that all policy decisions should be taken with a view to enabling societies to remain within safe ecological limits, also known as the nine planetary boundaries. A PHiAP approach can enable both planet and people to thrive within planetary boundaries.
Many of the determinants of health and health inequities in populations have social, environmental, and economic origins that extend beyond the direct influence of the health sector and health policies. Planetary health policy builds on intersectoral policy aims, based on health in all policies that improve the social determinants of health, while explicitly addressing the ecological degradation of the planet that threatens its habitability which ultimately determines human health and survival.
Outcomes of this workstream will include conceptual and operational analyses and policy recommendations for the German political context, e.g. in the domain of energy, agricultural and labour market transitions.