Kategorie: Slider EN
Recording: Planetary Health Dialogue — The Health Risks of Pollution: Assessing the Problem
Recording available - The seventh edition of our webinar series: On Thursday, 22nd February 2024, we focused on chemical pollution in Germany, Europe and worldwide.
Post-growth economics: a must for planetary health justice
New article about post-growth economics published in 'Globalization and Health' by Remco van de Pas and other authors.
“It is time to act on the Commercials Determinants of Health” — van de Pas and Wabnitz write about nutrition policy
CDoH affect health in many ways, as the example of nutrition policy shows, write Katharina Wabnitz and Remco van de Pas for the Rosa Luxemburg- Stiftung (RLS) Geneva.
Driving transformative action: from Ostrava to Budapest and beyond with National Portfolios of Actions on Environment and Health: policy brief
This WHO policy brief was drafted by Maike Voss and Franziska Matthies-Wiesler with additional research support from Bea Albermann, Sophie Gepp, Maurice Remy, Nikolaus Metzger and Maike Bildhauer.
CPHP joins EuroHealthNet
CPHP has joined EuroHealthNet, a not-for-profit partnership committed to promoting health equity and sustainable development across Europe. CPHP – as part of KLUG – has become a Research Associate Member and joined EuroHealthNet’s Research & Policy platforms as areas to engage in.
Recording: The Need for Transformation to Post-Growth EU Health Systems
For the fourth edition of our Planetary Health Dialogues in early May 2023, we looked at how future health systems in the EU should look like to meet the needs of people and the planet in 'post-growth' economies. For this we invited EuroHealthNet’s Director Caroline Costongs to discuss with Dr Remco van de Pas, Senior…
EPR: Pharma within planetary boundaries
Dorothea Baltruks outlines in the article "Pharma within planetary boundaries" (published in European Pharmaceutical Review (EPR)) how forthcoming EU pharmaceutical legislation could pave the way to solutions.
Strengthening sustainability in the pharmaceutical sector
Policy brief (March 2023) written by Dorothea Baltruks, Maren Sowa, Maike Voss: The impact of the climate crisis on our well-being and health becomes more apparent with every heatwave, extreme weather event and drought. But other environmental damages caused by human activities also have a direct and indirect impact on our health. In particular, the…
The Need for Transformation to a Post-Growth Health and Economic System
Think piece (Dec. 2022) written by Remco van de Pas: The German, and most European health systems are part of an economic system that lacks intrinsic sustainability outcomes, with respect to society, health or ecology. The German health care sector is responsible for 5.2% of the national greenhouse gas emissions.1 51 out of 1,000 patients…
Health within planetary boundaries
Policy brief (Nov. 2022) written by Dorothea Baltruks, Sophie Gepp, Remco van de Pas, Maike Voss, Katharina Wabnitz: To address the urgent planetary crises and to ensure the planet’s habitability for future generations, planetary health needs to be anchored as a vision in all policies at national and international levels. Experiences and lessons learned from…