Kategorie: Quote
Dorothea Baltruks, Head of Research and Policy
„A societal debate on how health and wellbeing can be created within planetary boundaries and what the health system should do and should not do to achieve this, is urgently needed but so far lacking.“
Lena Tischler, Project and event management
„The multidimensional crises of our time require new approaches. To accelerate the long-overdue socio-ecological transformation, we need planetary health as a vision for the future across all policy areas, rather than political silo thinking.“
Miriam Meschede, Research Associate
“Promoting human health means protecting the health of our planet. Environmental protection and health promotion must be consistently considered in all policy areas in order to bring about urgent changes for planetary health.”
Annkathrin von der Haar, Research Associate
„Protecting and improving health, reducing social inequalities and mitigating climate change - these goals have a shared agenda and require a policy that is systemically and pragmatically interlinked across sectors.“
Sophie Gepp, Research Associate
„Political, social, and economic processes and structures must therefore be designed and governed nationally, as well as internationally, with a focus on safeguarding health and well-being for present and future generations while also preserving the habitability of the planet.“
Katharina Wabnitz, Research Associate
„For all actors in the health sector, the principle ‘Do no harm’ applies, which must be widened in the Anthropocene. Harm to the environment must be avoided to safeguard (planetary) health, and prevention must be prioritised over cure.“
Dr. Nikolaus Mezger, Research Associate
„In the field of climate and health we have to re-conceive the role of health professionals not least as citizens and scientists to engage in sustainable medicine and prevention-oriented politics - to make healthcare fit for today's and tomorrow's challenges.“