Kategorie: Englisch
Reflections from COP28: Resisting health washing in climate change negotiations
PLOS Global Public Health
Sophie Gepp, Research Associate
„Political, social, and economic processes and structures must therefore be designed and governed nationally, as well as internationally, with a focus on safeguarding health and well-being for present and future generations while also preserving the habitability of the planet.“
Dr. Nikolaus Mezger, Research Associate
„In the field of climate and health we have to re-conceive the role of health professionals not least as citizens and scientists to engage in sustainable medicine and prevention-oriented politics - to make healthcare fit for today's and tomorrow's challenges.“
Planetary Health Dialogue: The Health Risks of Pollution: Finding Solutions
Register now - With the next edition of our webinar series “Planetary Health Dialogues” on Tuesday, 19th March 2024, 4.00 - 5.00 pm CET we will look at chemical pollution for the second time. This webinar will be focussing on look at legislative efforts to tackle the pollution crisis.