Initiative “Transparent Civil Society”
Transparency is important to us. That is why our parent organization KLUG – German Alliance on Climate Change and Health has joined the Transparent Civil Society initiative. KLUG committs to making the information below available to the public and to keeping it up to date. The Centre for Planetary Health Policy is a division of KLUG and thus legally part of the association. Our data is included in the information provided by KLUG.
1. Name, registered office, address and year of establishment
KLUG – Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit e.V. (German Alliance on Climate Change and Health)
Registered office: Berlin
Address: c/o Cuvrystr. 1, 10997 Berlin
Year of establishment: 2017 (foundation of the initiative; the year of establishment of the association in terms of official registration is 2019)
Contact Person
Julia Gogolewska
Fundraising manager at KLUG — Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit

2. Our statues and a general description of our goals
- Our statutes (in German)
- General description of our goals (in German)
3. Information on tax benefits
4. Name and function of decision makers
Executive Board
- Dr. med. Martin Herrmann, First Chairperson
- Eva-Maria Schwienhorst-Stich, Vice Chairperson
- Max (Maximilian) Bürck-Gemassmer, Vice Chairperson
Board of Directors
- PD Dr. med. Dirk Holzinger
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Moebus, MPH
- Laura Jung
- Nadja Moser
- Prof. Dr. Robert Richter
Managing Directors:
- Prof. Dr. med. Christian Schulz, Managing Director and strategic lead
- Dr. med. Matthias Albrecht, Managing Director Climate-resilient healthcare facilities
5. Activity Reports
- Activity Report 2023 (in German)
- Activity Report 2022 (in German, with English summary)
- Activity Report of the Board of Directors to the KLUG General Assembly (14.05.2022) (in German)
6. Personnel structure
- Employees (full- and part-time): 43
- Freelance collaborators: 0
- Student assistants: 16
- Interns: 2
- Volunteer staff: 8 volunteer members of the Board of Directors as well as 50+ individual members of the association contributing in thematic working groups
Last update: December 2024
7. Information about source of income and
8. Use of funds
- Annual report 2023 (in German)
- Annual report 2022 (in German)
- Financial and activity report 2021 (in German)
9. Affilitation with third parties
No affiliations (for KLUG). CPHP is part of the legal entity KLUG.
10. Names of inviduals or entities whose annual contributions exceed 10% of the total annual income
In 2023, KLUG received project funding from two foundations, each of which accounted for more than 10% of our total income:
- Stiftung Mercator (Essen): 31%
- BKK Dachverband (Berlin): 16%
No contributions from any individual donor amounted to more than 10% of our total income (in sum over the whole year of 2023).
Date: 17.12.2024