Mai­ke Bild­hau­er

Mai­ke Bild­hau­er

Head of Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on + Media Rela­ti­ons

Mini CV

  • At CPHP sin­ce March 2023
  • 2008–2023 work­ed as an inde­pen­dent media and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons con­sul­tant spe­cia­li­sing in glo­bal health and deve­lo­p­ment issues
  • Diplo­ma (Univ.) in Social Sci­en­ces (Socio­lo­gy, Media and Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Stu­dies, Eco­no­mics), Uni­ver­si­ty of Göt­tin­gen (equi­va­lent to Mas­ter of Arts at inter­na­tio­nal level)
  • PG Cer­ti­fi­ca­te Glo­bal Health Poli­cy, Lon­don School of Hygie­ne & Tro­pi­cal Medi­ci­ne, Uni­ver­si­ty of Lon­don Inter­na­tio­nal Pro­gram­mes


Mai­ke Bild­hau­er is the head of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and media rela­ti­ons at the Cent­re for Pla­ne­ta­ry Health Poli­cy. In this role she is respon­si­ble for the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and media stra­tegy, press rela­ti­ons, social media and sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on. Pri­or to joi­ning CPHP, she work­ed for near­ly 15 years as a stra­te­gic con­sul­tant in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and media rela­ti­ons, spe­cia­li­sing in glo­bal health and deve­lo­p­ment. During that time, she work­ed for num­e­rous inter­na­tio­nal orga­ni­sa­ti­ons, inclu­ding Gavi, the Vac­ci­ne Alli­ance, the Glo­bal Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuber­cu­lo­sis and Mala­ria, the Well­co­me Trust, Save the Child­ren, GIZ, the Glo­bal Part­ner­ship for Edu­ca­ti­on (GPE) and World Bicy­cle Reli­ef.

Mai­ke is a Mem­ber of Women in Glo­bal Health Ger­ma­ny.

