
Feel­good mana­ger


  • Sup­port­ing the office team
  • Faci­li­ta­ting good moods and cudd­les


  • MA from the dog aca­de­my

As trai­ned feel-good mana­ger, Laia ensu­re a real feel-good atmo­sphe­re in the CPHP office. Even on busy days, she does­n’t for­get how important (play and cudd­le) breaks are and thus demons­tra­b­ly lower the stress level of the enti­re team. Among­st her skills are recei­ving guests and expert net­wor­king – and she has a lot to teach us in this respect. Her com­mit­ment to Pla­ne­ta­ry Health stems, among other things, from her pas­si­on for exten­ded excur­si­ons into natu­re, and so she always tri­es to set a good exam­p­le and make her own small con­tri­bu­ti­on to a sus­tainable ever­y­day office life, for exam­p­le by coming to work on a car­go bike or offe­ring their ser­vices as food was­te savers.


With tre­ats they under­stand any lan­guage