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Samuel S. Myers, MD, MPH
Director | Planetary Health Alliance Principal Research Scientist | TH Chan School of Public Health

Dr. Angelina Taylor
Lead for the Office for Climate Change and Health at the Robert Koch Institute

Dr. Olumide Abimbola
Executive Director, APRI (Africa Policy Research Institute)

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch
Director of the Institute for Planetary Health Behaviour at the University of Erfurt

Prof. Dr. Raimund Geene
Director, Berlin School of Public Health

Dr. Susanne Dröge
Head of Department Climate Protection and Energy, Umweltbundesamt

Dr. Kim Gruetzmacher
Planetary Health Lead, Natural History Museum Berlin

Prof. Dr. Susanne Moebus
Biologist & Epidemiologist | Head of the Institute for Urban Public Health (InUPH)