
We wel­co­me your comm­ents, likes and shares on our offi­ci­al social media chan­nels and always want a direct and fair dia­lo­gue. In topics and dis­cus­sions, we value con­s­truc­ti­ve and objec­ti­ve beha­vi­or, and the tone should always be poli­te and respectful. As a gene­ral rule, plea­se behave online in the same way as you would wish other peo­p­le to behave.

Plea­se adhe­re to the fol­lo­wing beha­vi­ors on our social media chan­nels:

  • Con­s­truc­ti­ve cri­ti­cism on our chan­nels is accept­ed — but we do not tole­ra­te insults, thre­ats, name-cal­ling or comm­ents that dama­ge our repu­ta­ti­on or busi­ness.
  • We pro­hi­bit inci­te­ments to vio­lence against per­sons, insti­tu­ti­ons or com­pa­nies and remo­ve all thre­ats of any form from our chan­nel.
  • Dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and defa­ma­ti­on of other per­sons and social groups on the basis of their reli­gi­on, ori­gin, natio­na­li­ty, disa­bi­li­ty, inco­me, sexu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on, age or gen­der are express­ly pro­hi­bi­ted. Racist, extre­mist and sexist remarks will not be tole­ra­ted.
  • We dele­te adver­ti­sing, spam and com­mer­cial con­tent from third par­ties wit­hout com­ment.
  • Comm­ents on a post, tweet, etc. should always rela­te to the con­tent of the post. Misu­se of the com­ment func­tion with off-topic posts, adver­ti­sing or com­mer­cial con­tent from third par­ties is not desi­red and will be dele­ted wit­hout com­ment.
  • Data pro­tec­tion is very important to us. Per­so­nal and pri­va­te data, such as names, addres­ses or simi­lar, are not published on our social media site at any time.
  • When publi­shing images and texts, we com­ply with copy­right, per­so­nal rights and the right to one’s own image. We expect the same from our users.

If comm­ents and posts vio­la­te our neti­quet­te, we will dele­te them wit­hout com­ment. In the case of repea­ted or serious vio­la­ti­ons, we will inves­ti­ga­te the comm­ents and per­ma­nent­ly exclude the author(s), report them to the respec­ti­ve plat­form if neces­sa­ry and file char­ges.

If you have any ques­ti­ons, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us (via the mes­sa­ge func­tion or e‑mail to