What is pla­ne­ta­ry health?

The envi­ron­ment can thri­ve wit­hout us — but we can­not sur­vi­ve wit­hout it. Human acti­vi­ties across our poli­ti­cal, eco­no­mic and social sys­tems in the 21st cen­tu­ry are the pri­ma­ry fac­tor impac­ting natu­re, human and ani­mal health. The con­cept of pla­ne­ta­ry health descri­bes the inter­con­nec­tions bet­ween human, ani­mal and eco­sys­tem health and encom­pas­ses a broad, trans­di­sci­pli­na­ry under­stan­ding of the influen­ces on, and con­di­ti­ons for, human health today and in the future.

Pro­tec­ting and pro­mo­ting health within pla­ne­ta­ry boun­da­ries reli­es on Earth’s natu­ral pro­ces­ses and eco­sys­tems, which crea­te favoura­ble living con­di­ti­ons for human well­be­ing and health. Cou­pled with this is a need to ensu­re the poli­ti­cal, social and eco­no­mic sys­tems that enable equi­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty for all.

A tran­si­ti­on towards pla­ne­ta­ry health means that the limits to our eco­lo­gi­cal boun­da­ries are no lon­ger excee­ded, while all peo­p­le are enab­led to live healt­hy, digni­fied and secu­re lives within effec­ti­ve and sus­tainable poli­ti­cal, social and eco­no­mic sys­tems.