Kategorie: Publication Future German Health System
Evidence report on climate change and health governance structures in Germany
Annkathrin von der Haara, Marie Junga, Maike Vossa, Franziska Matthies-Wieslera,b, Karin Geffert c,d a Centre for Planetary Health Policy, Berlinb Helmholtz Centre Munichc Chair of Public Health and Health Services Research, Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry and Epidemiology (IBE), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich d Pettenkofer School of Public Health, Munich Background After decades of progress in…
Strengthening sustainability in the pharmaceutical sector
Dorothea Baltruksa, Maren Sowab, Maike Vossa,* a) Centre for Planetary Health Policy, Berlinb) Maren Sowa is a research assistant and doctoral student at the Chair of Civil Law, Medical and Health Law of Prof. Dr. Jens Prütting. Prütting is the Managing Director of the Institute for Medical Law at Bucerius Law School* Authors in alphabetical…
The Need for Transformation to a Post-Growth Health and Economic System
„A clear vision for a wellbeing economy within planetary boundaries that considers international solidarity and social justice will have to guide the development of future health systems.“ Remco van de Pas The German, and most European health systems are part of an economic system that lacks intrinsic sustainability outcomes, with respect to society, health or…