Advancing and Integrating – German Climate and Health Policies: Insights from national policy-makers and non-state actors
The project is part of an multi-country study led by George Mason University (GMU) that explores the connections between climate and health policies in different countries. The study includes research from six countries/regions: Brazil, the Caribbean (covering Antigua, the Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad), Germany, Kenya, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The goal of this global collaboration is to provide actionable insights to enhance climate and health policies at both national and international level.
As part of this study, the Centre for Planetary Health Policy (CPHP) examines the integration of climate and health policies in Germany. The research focuses on how these policy areas intersect at the federal, state, and local levels of government, exploring both the challenges and opportunities of aligning them.
By highlighting synergies between climate and health policies, the project aims to support more ambitious climate action while promoting global health outcomes.
Project goals
The project aims to deepen the understanding of the interactions between climate and health policies and to identify insights that can inform potential policy measures. A key focus is on generating actionable knowledge about the barriers, windows of opportunity, and strategies identified for policymaking.
Additionally, the goal is to develop practical approaches for integrating climate and health policies, with the aim of promoting both climate protection and the well-being of populations.
As part of the project activities, 25 experts from the fields of climate policy, health policy, or related areas such as transport and nutrition were interviewed – including legislative staff, government employees, think tank researchers, academic experts, and advocates. Semi-structured interviews were conducted between April and July 2024, focusing on national status, barriers, opportunities, and strategies for integrating climate and health policies, and a qualitative analysis of these interviews was conducted. This analysis identified critical barriers and opportunities for effectively linking climate and health policies.
Further informationen und material

the report will be released soon