Kategorie: Ressourcen
Klimawandel und Gesundheitsschutz
Hitzeschutz in Kommunen war Schwerpunkt des Hitzeforums auf dem Fachkongress therapie LEIPZIG
Planetary Health — Strategie zu den Handlungsmöglichkeiten der Ärzteschaft in der Schweiz zum Klimawandel
Bea Albermann, Franco Denti, Philippe Eggimann, Michele Genoni, François Héritier, Nadja Jenni, Federico Mazzola, Hans Vogel
A review of the relevance and effectiveness of the five-year action plan for health employment and unclusive economic growth (2017–2021)
Remco van de Pas, Linda Mans, Percy Mahlathi, Deplhin Kolie 2021
Giving hope a sporty chance: COVID-19 as a beneficial epidemic?
Remco van de Pas, Gorik Ooms 2021
COVID-19 vaccine equity: a health systems and policy perspective
Remco Van De Pas, Marc-Alain Widdowson, Raffaella Ravinetto, Prashanth N Shrinivas, Theresa J. Ochoa, Thierno Oumor Fofona, Wim Van Damme 2021