Date: 2022/12/08
Place: Online Event

Health in the Anthropocene

International Event of the Centre for Planetary Health Policy

In June, the Centre for Planetary Health Policy officially launched its work in Berlin and published its first policy brief Health within planetary boundaries. With our digital event Health in the Anthropocene“ on December 8, 4.30 pm we want to reach out to international experts and stakeholders to discuss how public health, economic and social policies can maximise health equalities within planetary boundaries.

We are delighted to welcome Katherine Zywert, PhD, to start off the event with a keynote presentation on ways of „Cultivating Human and Planetary Health for a Sustainable Future“ providing a sneak preview into her forthcoming book.

Together with Dr. Nicole Redvers, Associate Professor, Western Research Chair and Director of Indigenous Planetary Health at the University of Western Ontario and member of the Deninu K’ue First Nation, Dr. Olumide Abimbola, Director of the Africa Policy Research Institute (APRI) and Dr. Martin Herrmann, Chair of the German Alliance for Climate Change and Health (KLUG) we will then have the chance to address the following questions at a panel discussion:

  • What kind of politics, research agenda and social action is required to make a planetary health agenda possible?
  • What set of policies for health systems are needed in order to enable people and the biosphere to stay within safe and just space for humanity?
  • What does the future of health in the Anthropocene era imply for policy making, health care and public health services?


4.30 pm Welcome and Introduction
Maike Voss, Director of the Centre for Planetary Health Policy
4.35 pmKeynote presentation Cultivating Human and Planetary Health for a Sustainable Future
Katherine Zywert PhD, Co-Author of „Health in the Anthropocene: Living Well on a Finite Planet“
5.00 pmPanel Discussion and Q&A – Health in the Anthropocene
Dr. Nicole Redvers, Associate Professor, Western Research Chair and Director of Indigenous Planetary Health at the University of Western Ontario and member of the Deninu K’ue First Nation
Dr. Olumide Abimbola, Director of the Africa Policy Research Institute (APRI)
Dr. Martin Herrmann, Chair of the German Alliance for Climate Change and Health (KLUG)
5.45 pmComment – Postgrowth Healthcare
Dr. Remco van de Pas, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Planetary Health Policy
5.50 pmThe CPHP – Mission and Outlook
Maike Voss, Director of the Centre for Planetary Health Policy
6.00 pmEnd of Event

Moderation: Maike Voss, Director of the Centre for Planetary Health Policy

„Health in the Anthropocene“ serves as the opening event of the CPHPs new webinar series Planetary Health Dialogues“ that will consist of monthly conversations with German and international scholars, policymakers, and civil society actors to think deeply and to collaborate on ideas for a paradigm shift towards equity, health and well-being within planetary boundaries.